Jobs bei RHI Magnesita GmbH
Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?
Neha Jain, Product Management, Continuous Casting Technology, RHI Magnesita.
Worum geht es in Deinem Job?
RHI Magnesita is a global refractory leader. Refractories are ceramic products which are used, for example, in the production of steel, where they are used as lining for different vessels for high-temperature applications. My job as Product Manager in Continuous Casting involves special refractories, which are used in the continuous casting of steel. I work together with the marketing and sales team to understand the newest market trends and situations, and I also work with our technological teams and production plants to be able to react to these trends. For example, a project that I work on in the Middle East: the steel plant needs the casting sequence length increased, meaning an increase in the production capacity. The existing refractory lining is not sufficient, so a better refractory lining will be required. The marketing team provides me with the requirements and then, together with the R&D team, I will analyze if we already have a product which is suitable for this application. Then there are two possibilities: If the research and development team confirms we have a product which is suitable, I offer this product to the marketing team, which will then hand it over to the customer for discussion. The second possibility is where we would need to either improve an existing product, or to develop a new product. I will then work together with the R&D team and our production plants to find the best product fit. If there are one or more options, we will make a proposal, which is then handed to the marketing team to discuss these options with the customer and to propose further trials at the steel plant to decide which option is the most suitable.
Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?
I grew up in Khamphur, India where I completed my schooling. After that I decided to pursue a technical education. I studied Ceramic Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras University, and graduated in 2009. Upon the completion of my studies I worked for three years in different companies in the refractory and high performance insulation industry in India. In 2012, I moved to Leoben, Austria and started to work in the Research and Development Process Technology Department at RHI Magnesita. Working there, I had the opportunity to see different production plants. A part of my work was to analyse and understand the different production processes and to work on projects to improve these processes, where possible. In 2015, I moved to Product Management, Continuous Casting.
Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?
The ideal would be a technical education in the field of refractories, ceramic, steel or metallurgy. If someone is experienced in sales and marketing in one of these industries, that would also be a good match. We have a very diverse team where each person in this team is unique and brings in a very different background and experience. I think what is most important is that the person is willing to work in an international environment, is very open and has a problem-solving attitude.
Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?
One of the best features about the job is that there are numerous opportunities. I, for example, started in Research and Development working with different production plants,understanding the processes, and now I am in Product Management. So now there is a combination of the market aspect as well as the technical aspect, meaning that here, a person can decide in which direction he or she wants to grow.
Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?
What I have had to learn here is patience: You may have a solution at hand and you know this product will work, but you have to wait from the initial concept stage, to laboratory trials, production trials and to the end customer. You have to wait to see that it gets through and hope that it’s not too late.
Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!
I think the first thing I would tell my 14-year-old self would be: "Don't care what other people are thinking about you. It´s not worth it. The second thing would be that if in doubt take a deep breath and do what you believe in. Don´t wait for others to make decisions for you; make your own decisions.
Mehr von RHI Magnesita GmbH
Alexandra Peer
„Mein persönliches Highlight war ein Versuch mit einem achteckigen Stein, der in eine Stahlhülse eingegossen wurde. Die ersten fünf Mal hat es nicht funktioniert aber dann schon und da freut man sich einfach irrsinnig.“ Alexandra Peer ist im 3. Jahr ihrer Ausbildung zur Industriekeramikerin bei RHI Magnesita. „Die größte Herausforderung ist bestimmt auch das Coolste, nämlich, dass man sich immer umstellen muss. Zum Beispiel hat man eine Form und man braucht eine Negativform dazu.“
Kai Tösch
„Von Tag zu Tag machen wir verschiedene Steinformate. Dabei alles einzustellen und die Qualität zu sichern, damit man ganz zum Schluss einen Stein sehen kann und er auch passt, ist das schon sehr cool.“ Kai Tösch muss körperlich immer fit sein, da er als Pressenbediener bei RHI Magnesita arbeitet. „In meinem Job muss ich schauen, dass die Steine zu einer Masse zusammengepresst werden. Dabei muss ich manchmal auch einen Roboter einstellen.“
Neha Jain
„My job is involved with special refractories, which are used in continuous castings of steel. I work together with the Marketing and Sales team, to understand the newest market trends and situations.“ Neha Jain works as Product Manager Continuous Casting at RHI Magnesita. The coolest part of her job? „There are numerous opportunities. I for example started in Research and Development and now I’m in Product Management, so there is now a mix of the market aspect as well as the technical aspect.“
Cintia Wolfensberger
"I think the best thing is to work with people, but in the end of the day, we are also here to increase our business results." Cintía Wolfensberger works in the area of People & Culture at the RHI Magnesita. "It is very essential to know how to listen, to comunicate and to have a good relationship with people."
Gregor Lammer
„Das wirklich interessante an meinem Job ist, dass die Stahlerzeugung etwas archaisches ist und die Kombination mit Industrie 4.0, also High-Tech oder künstlicher Intelligenz, macht es besonders spannend.“ Gregor Lammer arbeitet als Product Manager Innovation Steel Linings bei RHI Magnesita. Was er seinem 14-jährigen Ich raten würde? „Versuch herauszufinden was dir Spaß macht, mache es zu deinem Beruf und lern so viel du kannst.“
Christine Wenzl
„Mein erstes Projekt war die Ausarbeitung der Corporate Governance über das neue Unternehmen. Dabei musste ich viel ausarbeiten und hatte viele Besprechungen mit den unterschiedlichsten Leuten und es ist echt schön, wenn man monatelang daran gearbeitet hat und am Ende merkt, dass es passt.“ Christine Wenzl ist Assistant to the CEO bei RHI Magnesita, wo sie meist rasch Entscheidungen treffen muss. „Ich bin für unterschiedlichste Tätigkeiten zuständig, mit denen unser CEO tagtäglich zu tun hat.“
Gernot Hackl
„Das Coolste an meinem Job ist definitiv, wenn ein Plan funktioniert. Also in meinem Bereich beschäftigen wir uns unter Anderem mit Produktentwicklungen und wenn es dann von der Idee des Produktes in die Anwendung kommt und man sieht, dass es performt und die Leistung erbringt. Das ist extrem motivierend und inspirierend.“ Gernot Hackl arbeitet als Head of R&D Modelling & Simulation bei RHI Magnesita. „Ein technisches Studium sollte man für diesen Job schon mitbringen. Alles weitere lernt man on-the-Job.“
Vinícius Antônio Dias de Almeida
"Even if you have the craziest ideas, you can concretize them, because we have a capable team and that is the coolest thing." Vinícius Almeida is Senior IT Analyst at RHI Magnesita. "I think that this area is not suitable for someone, who is afraid of challenges, because we meet them every day."