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Muhammad Yunus
Social Entrepreneur
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"I do fun things, whatever I like. I'm a free person." Social Entrepreneur Muhammad Yunus travels all over the world to give lectures about Social Business. Would it be possible to do his job with a different background? "Anybody can do that or any other thing. You don't need a background. If you feel strong about something, you can go ahead and do it! "


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

Well, I had a lot of fun at 14 years old because I had a chance to travel around the world at 15 years old so I would like to go back to that and ravel more. My advice would be to kind of take chances wherever you get, capture it and make use of it and see that something becomes meaningful for you.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Muhammad Yunus. And in the card it's written chairman Unicenter.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

It's fun. That's the coolest thing. You'll love it.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

One restriction is if you want to do something new, people don't support it because it doesn't go along with them, so they oppose it because their thinking is different and your thinking is something else. So you come and conflict. You come and clash with those people. So that's one problem that you have. Then you may be violating some of the norms already set up. Those norms, the guardians of those norms they don’t not like it, they become very critical of you. That's because you're not following the path everybody goes this way, you start going this way. Everybody kind of finds it unacceptable. So they want to pull you back to the same path that everybody does it. You have to be strong. Insist that this is what you're going to do; you're not going to pull back, get pulled back. Those are the restrictions that, which is brought to you. You don't want to fall victim to those restrictions. You want to remain yourself free and continue your path and patient that everybody will feel important for you.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

Yeah, I travel and meet people. I attend conferences talk about social business. Meet people, they invite you. They send letters to invitations; they call you up to invite you. They send emails to invite you. So any communication will be used to get you, just to make sure that you come or you received information. So it's just like any other invitation. When you have a party you want to reach out to your friends, you don't get them on the phone, you get to the Facebook, you don't get them, you call your friend to call your friend and those kinds of things. People they want you to come. They will try to find out that they have reached you and try to explain to you that they want you to be there. I do fun things. Whatever I like, I'm a free person. And I do whatever comes attracts my attention.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

Well, I had my education and I started teaching then I started doing things that I like and one of such thing was lending money to poor women and it became known as Microcredit. One reason that I did it because there was a loan sharking in the village next door to the University where I was teaching, and I thought that I can solve the problem buy lending money myself. So I started lending money myself and people liked it and I thought why don't I continue this because people like it. Then it was growing then I thought I'll connect the banks to do that. The banks refused to do that. I had to convince them but they were not convinced. So I became a guarantor. I said I'll be guarantor, sign papers and you give the money. If they don't pay you back, I'll pay back on their behalf. That's how it all began. Along the way I created other businesses. It’s called social businesses. That's what I talk about. That's all basically what I've done here.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

Yes, anybody can do that because one good thing that I had no idea how banking is done. So I did it on my own. Figured it out. So since I didn't need any background in banking I did it. That's good for anybody. Most of the people have no background on banking so they can do that or any other thing. They don't need to have a background. They feel strong they can go ahead and do that.