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Michael Ornik-Müllner
Finance & Risk Transformation
bei UNIQA Insurance Group AG
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Universität / Fachhochschule
„Die Dinge offen zu halten und sich wirklich einmal selbst zu fragen, wofür brenne ich, was interessiert mich.“ Michael Ornik-Müllner arbeitet im Team Finance & Risk Transformation bei UNIQA. „Wir kümmern uns um Projekte im IT-Umfeld, im regulatorischen Umfeld und generell auch im Business-Umfeld. Ich glaube, die wichtigste fachliche Voraussetzung ist zu verstehen, wie Unternehmen funktionieren, wie unterschiedliche Unternehmensbereiche zusammenarbeiten und schnell zu lernen.“


Drei Ratschläge an Dein 14jähriges Ich!

Keep opportunities open to ask oneself what I am eager to do, what is it that I am interested in and then there is such a vast offering of possibilities one can embrace, so many fields of study but it does not have to be a field of study but rather something completely different if anything, to start a business or something like that where one is able to learn a lot if one finds joy in work one can only be good at it.

Was steht auf Deiner Visitenkarte?

My name is Michael Ornik-Muellner I work at UNIQA in the group finance department on the finance and risk transformation team.

Was ist das coolste an Deinem Job?

To witness first hand what is currently changing within the company what is about to change when it comes to IT and business processes in future being able to actively shape those changes while simultaneously making use of both, my position and experience, to be involved in other strategic projects and considerations as skilled employee, pooling and growing expertise and to implement the afore-mentioned, being able to work on the frontline of digital change.

Welche Einschränkungen bringt Dein Job mit sich?

Sometimes, when I work on an interesting topic and have to complete a task it takes more time in the evenings this tends to come into conflict with my family or the time I can spend with my daughter or wife. On the other hand, there are days where this is not an issue at all.

Worum geht es in Deinem Job?

UNIQA is a leading insurance company in Austria, Central and Eastern Europe. I work in the finance and risk transformation department we tend to projects in the IT environment in the regulatory environment and, generally speaking, in business environment. At the IT core system transformation, also referred to as UIP, as in UNIQA Insurance Platform we are about to group all our core insurance systems, essentially the systems we, as an insurance company, use to execute the statistical calculations lying behind our products as well as the customer data management where we put all of this on new legs. As a result of this project occupying a great period of time, and a total investment of 500 million euros there is a need for financial supervision of the whole project. In other words, my job is to report to the project manager regarding matters of finance and budget as well as new commissions I look into our current position, how much did we spend, how much should we have spent did we spend more or less of what we should have? Additionally, I perform forecasts for the next month to the end fo the year, and to the end of the project.

Wie sieht Dein Werdegang aus?

I grew up in Mistelbach an der Zaya in the Weinviertel attended primary school, went to grammar school in Laa an der Taya for eight years did my A-levels afterwards I served the Austrian Armed Forces thereafter, I began my studies of export oriented management at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems. After completing my studies, I started at Roland Berger corporate consulting in Germany where I worked for eight years. With the end of the year 2016, start of 2017, I decided that I would like to work in Vienna to spend less time on business trips. And that is how I got into the group finance department at UNIQA.

Ginge es auch ohne Deinem Werdegang?

I believe the most important professional requirement to understand how companies work how different business areas work together and to learn quickly. I would say that, within our team, the most important character traits are versatility, thirst for knowledge while being equally persistent and precise.

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