Mehr von Firstbird GmbH
Gernot Zenz
“I really enjoy planning nice campaigns and bring ideas to paper.” That’s basically what Gernot Zenz does as a Marketing Manager at Firstbird. His job is to create and administer marketing campaigns, online as well as offline. Which skill are necessary in this position? “You really need to have passion and commitment, stay hungry and stay up to date with the marketing trends.”
Monika Adensamer
“Working in a great team with a lot of different people.” That’s what Monika Adensamer enjoys most about her job as Customer Happiness Specialist for Firstbird. Her job is it – just as her jobtitle indicates – to make customers happy by solving their problems or just simply answer questions. To achieve this goal she has to work closely with different departments within the company. Important in this position? “Your soft skills should be patience, you should be open minded and willing to learn.”
Majella Grawatsch
“The coolest part is that you never know what to expect and you don’t do the same thing every day.” Majella Grawatsch’s job as Online Marketing Manager at Firstbird is about engaging with customers: To achieve that she has to come up with ideas for campaigns or other creative ways to get heard. She makes sure that ideas follow a concept and to execute the concepts. Also to evaluate the results is crucial in her job. “I think that it is very important that you bring your past experiences for creativity.”
Daniel Winter
“I can be an active part of everything that happens within the company.” That’s what astonishes Daniel Winter, CTO of Firstbird, the most every day. He makes decisions and therefore has to think months ahead and keep an eye on their road map. He regularly checks the features his team works on, has meetings with his CEO or skype calls with the designers. Is his background essential for his position? “No. You need to know people and when you guide a team you need to know what these people need and what problems they have.”
Pedro Dias
“Wake up earlier so that you can do more, because there are a lot of things that you can do in your free time.” That would be one advice which Pedro Dias, Fullstack Developer at Firstbird, would give his 14-year-old self. He helps to create what the clients see – the website and the whole architecture behind it. His daily tasks include fixing bugs or creating new features. To exchange ideas for solutions he works close together with the development team. What does he like most about his job? “I enjoy being able to create something.”
Daniel Pfeiffer
“Seeing how the things you do at work influence people is amazing.” Daniel Pfeiffer loves his job as a software engineer at Firstbird, mostly because he is able to really see what he has created. May it be a new feature or simply the company’s requirements, transferred into a real product, as well as having an eye on changes that are made regarding the products. Important for his position? “Having a technical degree is a good foundation, otherwise it’s harder to get the right mindset.”
Arnim Wahls
“One of the things my father always wanted to teach me was coding. I never did.” That would be the main advice Arnim Wahls, Founder & CEO at Firstbird, would give his 14-year-old self: To learn coding. In his role as CEO he has to find a direction where the bird is flying and to coordinate inbetween customer related issues and the product. If this two areas fit together, the company works. “The coolest part is to create something totally new with fantastic people.”