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Test­Sys­te­m ­De­ve­l­oper (m/f/d) - ­Pro­duc­t ­De­ve­lop­men­t & Elec­tro­nics ­Fo­cus

  • Home Office:Keine Angabe
  • Einstiegsgehalt:No data
  • Berufserfahrung:2-5 Jahre
  • Startdatum:Ab sofort
  • Befristung:Ohne Befristung
Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland22 hours ago
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We are seeking a highly skilled and hands-on TestSystem Developer (m/f/d) with experience in product development and a focus on product life cycle. This role requires expertise in designing and developing test systems for hardware products, with a solid understanding of Compliance CE, Safety, EMV, Industrialization. The Testsystem Developer will work closely with the engineering and product development teams to ensure high-quality products by creating efficient, reliable, and scalable test solutions for new product designs and releases.

Dein Profil

  • Education: Preferably in Electronics Technician specialization, Quality Engineering Technology, or a related field.
  • Product Development Experience: Proven experience in supporting product development from concept to release, including prototype validation and testing.
  • Technical Expertise: Solid understanding of Compliance CE, Safety, EMV, Industrialization, product life cycle principles, with the ability to read and interpret schematics and mechanical drawings.
  • Hands-on Skills: Proficient in soldering, assembly, and rework of electronic hardware including circuit card assemblies (CCAs) and cabling.
  • Test Equipment Proficiency: Hands-on experience with test equipment like oscilloscopes, DMMs, function generators, analyzers, and other diagnostic tools.
  • Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Skills: Ability to diagnose and troubleshoot complex hardware and electronic system issues.
  • Component Research & BOM Creation: Experience in researching components and creating comprehensive Bills of Materials (BOMs) for product development and testing purposes.
  • Documentation Skills: Ability to create detailed test plans, procedures, and technical documentation to support product development and testing efforts.

Deine Aufgaben

  • Collaborate in Product Development: Work alongside product development teams to define testing requirements and ensure that all new products meet quality and reliability standards through the entire development lifecycle.
  • Develop and Implement Test Systems: Design, develop, and deploy automated and manual test systems for hardware products, including integrated systems, and electronic assemblies.
  • Prototype Testing: Support the product development process by creating testing protocols for prototypes, helping to validate design concepts early in the product lifecycle.
  • System Integration Testing: Conduct thorough testing of integrated hardware and software systems to ensure they meet both functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Documentation and Standards: Develop and maintain technical documentation, including test procedures, schematics, and BOMs, to support product development and production testing.
  • Hands-on Build and Rework: Participate in hands-on assembly, rework, and troubleshooting of circuit card assemblies (CCAs), cabling, and other hardware during test system setup and debugging phases.
  • Component Research and BOM Management: Research components, create and manage Bills of Materials (BOMs) to support product and test system development.
  • Test Metrics and Analysis: Analyze test data and provide feedback to development teams to improve product quality, identify root causes of failures, and recommend design improvements.
  • Diagnostic and Troubleshooting: Use digital and analog testing tools such as oscilloscopes, DMMs, function generators, and analyzers to troubleshoot and verify system performance.
  • Optimize for Manufacturing: Work with manufacturing teams to transition test systems and processes from development to production, ensuring scalability, repeatability, and efficiency in manufacturing environments.

Unser Angebot

  • At Emerson, we are committed to fostering a culture where every employee is valued and respected for their unique experiences and perspectives.
  • We believe a diverse and inclusive work environment contributes to the rich exchange of ideas and diversity of thoughts, that inspire innovation and brings the best solutions to our customers.
  • We’re emphasizing a culture of togetherness – one that builds community, prioritizes collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • We understand the importance of work-life balance and are dedicated to supporting our employees' personal and professional needs.
  • From competitive benefits plans and comprehensive medical care to equitable opportunities for growth and development we strive to create a workplace that is supportive and rewarding.
  • Our work schedule aims at creating new levels of growth, build a stronger community and provide greater professional development for our employees.

Über Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in­nen: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was macht ein Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in?

Du weißt, dass dir weder die rote noch die blaue Pille wirklich den Durchblick geben oder nehmen kann. Nur du allein schaffst es durch den Quellcode-Dschungel. Was genau Softwareentwickler machen und wie ihre Arbeit funktioniert, ist dein süßes Geheimnis. Nur eines ist sicher: Du bist nicht der Informatiker, den deine Kollegen rufen sollten, wenn ihr Excel oder Word-Programm zum zehnten Mal abgestürzt ist. Du befasst dich eher mit Schnittstellen verschiedener Komponenten und Systeme, definierst Datenstrukturen und entwirfst Algorithmen für Programme, Softwaretools oder Apps. Deine Hauptaufgabe ist es Software zu programmieren – also zu erschaffen, verbessern und zu reparieren. Aber pass auf: Im einen Moment fühlst du dich wie der “Master of the Universe” und im nächsten hast du das Gefühl ein Äffchen zu sein, dass nur irgendwie auf der Tastatur herumhaut – je nachdem, ob dein Code funktioniert oder eben nicht.

Worunter sind Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in­nen noch bekannt?

Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in­nen sind auch bekannt als: Informatiker*in, Programmierer*in, Software Architekt*in, Software Entwickler*in, Instructional Design Developer*in, Software-Engineer

Welche Skills benötigt man als Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in?

Um ihre Tätigkeit gut ausführen zu können, benötigen Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in­nen grundsätzlich folgende Hard Skills:

Fachkenntnisse in der Softwareentwicklung
Fundierte Englischkenntnisse
Umgang mit Zahlen

Außerdem sollte ein Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in gewisse Soft Skills mitbringen:

Logisches Denkvermögen

Welche Schulfächer sind für einen angehenden Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in relevant?

Für die meisten Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in­nen ist es hilfreich, an folgenden Schulfächern Interesse zu haben: Englisch, Informatik, Mathematik

In welchen Tätigkeitsfeldern arbeiten Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in?

Soft­ware­ent­wick­ler*in­nen arbeiten in der Regel in folgenden Tätigkeitsfeldern:

Arbeiten ohne örtliche Bindung, Arbeiten mit Daten & Zahlen, Arbeiten mit Technik, Arbeiten am Computer