PMO Product - Design Thinking (m/w/d)
- Home Office:Teilweise möglich
- Einstiegsgehalt:No data
- Berufserfahrung:>5 Jahre
- Startdatum:Ab sofort
- Befristung:Ohne Befristung
Dein Profil
- You have a university degree (business administration, management, design thinking, innovation management or similar) and have several years of professional experience in a comparable role, e.g. in project management or as Chief of Staff - ideally in a dynamic and international corporate environment
- You have experience in the application of design thinking methods and in facilitating workshops to promote innovative solutions
- You have excellent skills in creating PowerPoint presentations that convey complex issues in a target group-oriented and appealing way
- You have strong analytical skills and experience in creating well-founded decision bases and reports
- You combine discretion and confidentiality with initiative, flexibility and a structured way of working as well as a high level of assertiveness and strong organizational and coordination skills
- Very good written and spoken German and English skills round off your profile.
Deine Aufgaben
- You act as a proactive support to the division manager in planning and implementing strategic priorities and ensuring the achievement of cross-divisional goals
- You will be responsible for planning, moderating and conducting design thinking workshops to develop innovative solutions for strategic topics and promote creativity in teams
- You are responsible for the structured preparation of information and decision papers using professional PowerPoint presentations for internal and external stakeholders - from the operational team to employee all-hands meetings and management
- You take on and manage cross-divisional projects, including coordination of teams and resources as well as regular performance monitoring and reporting
- You create analyses, reports and key figures to support management in decision-making processes
- The structured preparation and follow-up of management meetings and workshops, including the derivation of to-dos and measures round off your job profile.
Unser Angebot
- Grow like a Pro: Continue learning through individual professional development, grow with us to shape our future together
- Tasty Breaks: Every visit to our ESSZIMMER tastes like a short visit to Italy – also for vegetarians and vegans
- Do it your way: In-house KINDERZIMMER, flexible working hours, 30 vacation days and up to 2 days working from home per week
- Move it, move it: Our bonus program for your well-being - have fun in our 24/7 TURNHALLE and enjoy our goodies for your body and mind during our health weeks
- Get Together: Meet and spend leisure time with colleagues – in our SPIELZIMMER, at a Coffee Date, be part of our popular Social Days, ski events and seasonal highlights such as Christmas parties, summer parties and team events
- Easy Going: Coming to the office is not only fun, but also affordable - we cover the costs of your 'Deutschland-Ticket'.
Über Product Manager*innen: Häufig gestellte Fragen
Was macht ein Product Manager*in?
Product Manager*innen betreuen ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung von der Entwicklung und Markteinführung bis zum laufenden Vertrieb und Kundenservice. Sie beurteilen die Marktchancen von neuen Produkten und Leistungen, kalkulieren Kosten, analysieren mögliche Absatzmärkte und bereiten die Markteinführung vor. Das Produktmanagement bildet eine Querschnittsfunktion, in der die einzelnen Fertigungs- bzw. Leistungsbereiche koordiniert werden.
Im laufenden Betrieb organisieren, koordinieren und steuern Product Manager*innen einzelne Bereiche und Abschnitte der Fertigung oder Leistungserstellung. Sie verhandeln mit Kooperations- und Vertriebspartner*innen und bereiten Marketing- und Vertriebsmodelle vor.
Produktmanager*innen arbeiten im Team mit Kollegen*innen aus der Entwicklung, dem Marketing und Vertrieb sowie aus Rechnungswesen, Controlling und der Produktion.
Worunter sind Product Manager*innen noch bekannt?
Welche Skills benötigt man als Product Manager*in?
Fachwissen im Marketing
Kenntnisse in Betriebswirtschaft
Umgang mit Zahlen
Grundkenntnisse im Marketing
Außerdem sollte ein Product Manager*in gewisse Soft Skills mitbringen:
Welche Schulfächer sind für einen angehenden Product Manager*in relevant?
In welchen Tätigkeitsfeldern arbeiten Product Manager*in?
Arbeiten mit Daten & Zahlen, Arbeiten in der Planung, Arbeiten am Computer